Sunday, June 22

Llama Face

So this is worth posting just because I was reminded of it after finishing my last post. Quick story for those of you who have seen The Emperor's New Groove:

The summer before I came to Fox for my freshman year, Mom took my sister and I on this trip to Disney Land. It's been awhile since we'd been and we were excited to dp a good family vacation just the three of us before I moved up here to go to school. Well, after staying the night in a hotel we drive off to Disney Land and find that it had grown quite a bit more complex than last time, especially with the addition of the California Adventure park, and we got all kinds of lost on the streets running in between the parks. And by lost, I mean power-lost, like, the streets are actually working against you kind of lost (Those new to driving in Downtown Portland may experience something similar). And out of nowhere when we're finally getting close to the mega-parking garage my Mom makes this little pouty face and says "I've got llama face". It was the funniest thing ever, and in our family, anytime someone is having a hard time of it, and wants to make that little, stick-the-lip-out sad face or what M-blog would chalk up to with his whiney 'owwwww' that he says in jest; we say they have llama face. My password experience tonight gave me llama face -- but remembering that's what we call it gave me a laugh and a grin.

Good 'ol llamas.

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