Saturday, August 22

...And that's the happenings at Lake Wobegon

I'm contemplating a major overhaul to this blog, but for now, it's been ages since I've posted anything, so I think I'll just write what's on my mind.

There's a lot there frankly.

This move to California is what occupies most of my thoughts now-a-days. I know that God's up to something in it all, and I have hunches about what all that might be, but I don't see clearly about it all yet -- for the moment, I'm along for the ride.

I ended up talking to Chris about it on yesterday (walks with Chris to talk about life and sort out Jesus and faith, etc are something I'm going to miss) and he suggested that Rachael and I's new marriage - much more than any career impact - may be what this move is about; and I gotta tell ya, that really rings for me. Rachael and I both feel like this move will be really healthy and stretching for our marriage, and really growing for us as a new family, and while I don't know yet how that'll all look, I'm really excited for it.

I feel like I'm being called up into something, but I don't know yet what it is. It's that moment in the story when the mysterious letter arrives, but we haven't gotten to the destination (and answers) yet. Not that I think it'll really work like that; I don't know that I'll know what these next few years about until they're over; but maybe that makes it just like the rest so far :)

It'll be good and I'm excited to see -- and that's good enough for now.

More as there's time.

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