Monday, August 31

Split Pea Andersons

After 12 hours of driving, we've rolled into Santa Nella to stay the night, exhausted, but with the feeling that we're getting closer to home with every mile. I'm still pretty excited to be heading to LA, which is funny considering I've spent a good amount of effort since high school trying to avoid moving here. Now that Jesus has finally got me here, I'm excited to be near some much good opportunity and to be on an adventure with my new wifey - not to mention In and Out :D


I always find it hard to write in a blog, but probably because I think too hard about it, or because I got up at 4:00 this morning. I'm not sure my body is really ready to forgive me for the little sleep and strain I've put it through recently, but perhaps health insurance and some early appointments with a chiropractor and massage therapist will pacify it.

To that end, this bed I'm lying on while I type is winning the fight between Will and a new post. I'm sure I'll have more coherent thoughts later this week, but for now, we're safe and I rest thankful for all of God's provision along the way -- and in a larger way, that our God would care enough about me to pick me and my family up and move us to another state in order to teach us. This is a big move and a big change, but it's because I know God has equally big plans for us and a big love that motivates them, and that's pretty cool.

Good 'ol Jesus - nothing beats Jesus.

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